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February 6, 2025
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Black Lives Matters and Sports:

  • Beside LeBron’s promotion of the movement, there have been other sports involvement with the Black Lives Matters movement
  • Colin Kaepernick: He is half black, and was adopted by a mixed-race family. He generally lived a very good life and then he became a rich professional athlete.  He was a gimmick quarterback that started to play half-way through the season and it was difficult for the league to figure him out at first ( i.e. the wildcat formation).  He rode the hot streak to the SuperBowl; but he failed to win.  After that, the league figured him out and he was clearly declining.  When he was on the FastTrack to becoming a backup quarterback, he decided he would become ultra-political.  He attempted to become the spokesperson for the Black Lives Matter movement.  To get more attention, Kaepernick started to kneel during the national anthem. Insulting the flag seemed to be a way for Kap to gain attention and help his flailing career.
  • WNBA: The WNBA exists by feeding off the NBA.  It has been losing money and has not been popular.  Despite this fact, ESPN covered the sport as if it is a popular.  When ESPN had sections on the WNBA on their website, people had only one way to express themselves which was the message board.  Given the fake news of popularity forced down people’s throats, these boards became avenues to express how they really feel about the WNBA.  ESPN didn’t like it so they did what the Deep State and its media does when people express their honest opinions which go against their narrative; SUPPRESS! They closed the message board down.  Despite being on welfare from the NBA, the WNBA players decided to get involved in the Black Lives Matter movement and threaten to not play.  I mean think of the delusion involved to be unpopular, losing money, and surviving off the hard work of others but yet threaten to strike.  Were they tempting America or threatening it?!
  • Donald Sterling:
    • Donald Starling was a bad man.
    • Donald Sterling’s reputation in Los Angeles was well known, widespread, and had been out there for ages.
    • Donald Sterling was a slumlord.
    • Donald Sterling was a racist who mistreated his black players.
    • Donald Sterling abused Elgin Baylor.
    • The Los Angeles Clippers belonged to Donald Sterling.
    • The team was his property.
    • There should have been serious consequences for Donald Sterling in Elgin Baylor’s lawsuit against Sterling.
    • Sterling was able to beat/resolve the suit.
    • There should have been punishment to Donald Sterling based on how he had treated his tenants.
    • Sterling was able to beat/resolve those suits.
    • On the other hand, there should not have been any punishment to Donald Sterling due to a personal phone call he had with his girlfriend.
    • Yet, he was punished for this.
    • In a free America, people are allowed to speak their mind even if politically incorrect.
    • In a free America, people are allowed to have private conversations.
    • This is not to say that being racist or saying things should not have consequences.
    • There should be no legal consequences.
    • His property should not be taken away from him.
    • There could be consequences to his reputation.
    • If his players do not want to play for him, that is fair.
    • If fans do not want to support his team, that is fair.
    • However, the process should be allowed to play out.
    • Those who want to stop supporting him should be allowed to do so, and those who want to support him should also be allowed to do so.

That is NOT what happened.

There were many in Los Angeles that were ready and willing to support Sterling, because they felt the outrage was too extreme.

Many others also believed that he should not be punished for a phone fight with his girlfriend.

Finally, many others believed that this was Sterling’s truth and he had not said anything wrong.

The league may claim that they were worried that there would have been a deluge against Sterling, but the truth is that they were afraid that a large portion of Los Angeles would support him.

Of course, the DeepState/MSM and its BLM movement decided that they and they alone had the right to play judge, jury, and executioner.

They stole Sterling’s team from him!


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