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February 6, 2025
DSOA UPDATE: Interpreting Deep State Talk – Example Deep State Of Affairs Part Six: Translation of Deep State Talk DSOA: RED LIGHT TO GREENE’S SPEECH DSOA: Battleground – Caucusus DSOA Special Update: M.E. Conflict DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS: PART FIVE – CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES DSOA Update: Biden’s Beginning With Iran DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART FOUR (INTERVENING FACTORS – CONTD – WAR ON MEN AND TRADITIONAL AMERICA) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART FOUR (INTERVENING FACTORS – CONTD – RACE/CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART FOUR (INTERVENING FACTORS – CONTD – Race/Culture Wars – B&W) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART FOUR (INTERVENING FACTORS – CONTD – D.J. TRUMP) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART FOUR (INTERVENING FACTORS) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART THREE (EVENTS – CONTD) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART THREE (EVENTS) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART TWO (BATTLEGROUNDS) DEEP STATE OF AFFAIRS – PART ONE Hollywood Helps with the CCP Virus This is How A Society Dies The Overton Window 10 gay secrets they don’t want you to know about Austrian Economics, A Model of Capitalism Are whites being driven out of Los Angeles? Assassination for Entertainment – JFK and Hollywood Bohemian Pump Tank “Riding with Pip” – A Euro Truck Simulator 2 Show FIFA 20 Highlights Using the Proper System for Woodworking dust collection Best Router Table – Comprehensive Buying Guide and Top Picks What is the Best FIFA 20 Formation? What I learned playing FIFA. Economic and Free-Trade Zones What Does Being an Influencer Mean? Why Luxury Has Lost All Meaning What is masculinity and the masculine ideal? Becoming an independent filmmaker Work and Life Balance – How to Make It Work Working out at home, body weight and beyond What is style? Culture in the 2000s What to invest in? What’s new in Government? The Underlying Drivers for Sexual Economics Trump Might Make American OK Again A response to “White Privilege isn’t Real” What everyone forgets about the transgender movement Patriarchy in Academia perpetuated via degrees like M.B.A & B.A


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  • War After Soleimani

Ultimately, the murder of the martyr was a gift to the Saudis and the Isrealis (especially since they had been begging for his demise) from the Deep State.  The big question remained as to what would happen next. The Deep State’s hope was that the loss of such a brilliant mind and resistance hero would create disarray amongst the Resistance Forces, and the Resistance hoped that Qassem Soleimani’s martyrdom would serve as an inspiration.

Immediately following the Murder, millions took to the street in Iran, Iraq and the region to mourn the loss of both Qassem Soleimani and Abu Muhandis.  The loss of Abu Muhandis was especially deeply felt in Iraq.

This turned Iraq into an active battlefield in the War.  The Iraqi forces both the National Guard (PMU/Hashd) and the Official Military had been concentrating on defeating ISIS.   The battle against ISIS created a sense in which all of the parties in Iraq concentrated against a common enemy.

Prior to understanding this new Post-Murder active battlefield, it is important to understand the re-entry of the US forces into Iraq.

The conversation went something like this:

Iraq:  Hey. You have decimated our country and our military; and have left us vulnerable to the militant groups who have been created due to their anger at you.  You will need to help us fight them or they will come back to haunt you.

US:  Sure. We will come back and run things for you.

Iraq:  No. You can only come on our conditions which are YOU ARE STRICTLY LIMITED TO FIGHTING ISIS; any military activity in our country has to be OK’d by us; and you have to leave when we ask you.

US:  We agree to those terms.  We will only fight ISIS and will listen to you including leaving if you ask. Our word is our bond.

The Obama Administration stuck to its word, and only fought against ISIS.  This enabled a good relationship between the Iraqi Administration and the Obama Administration.  This also created a détente between the US and Shiite Forces.  The Iraqi administration was able to balance its relationships between the US and Iran.

This arrangement furthered US interests by allowing the US to fight against ISIS, have good relationships with Iraq and be able to use Iraq as an intermediary with Iran.  All the while, US troops were safely and successfully going about their business.

Given the hubris and greed of the Deep State, this was NOT good enough for the Deep State.  Remember, in the Deep State’s ideology, Iran shouldn’t be given any respect no matter how well deserved.  In this ideology, countries must be wholly owned subsidiaries of the Deep State whose land and resources are to be used at the Deep State’s discretion.  Again, this was a driving force behind the Iraqi war in the first place.  Also, given the internal weakness and issues within Saudi Arabia/Israel; all other Middle Eastern countries would have to be destroyed or controlled.

Ultimately, the double homicide of Qassem Soliemani and more importantly Muhandis were the first steps in a roll out of a declaration of war against Iraq (Not Saddam, Not any element, but on Iraq itself).  The purpose of this war is the complete control of Iraq as the Deep State had first envisioned in 2003.  Afterwards, there would be an eventual escalation of war against Iran.

The Deep State’s language on this issue is critical to understand.

  • Burying the Headline. Often the Deep State will bury its true intentions under a sub headline.  In this case, the US claimed that its forces were there to fight ISIS and to deter Iran. They de-emphasize “to deter Iran” so that it does not grab headlines even though that is their main objective.
  • Repeatedly claiming that its actions were justified and defensive in nature.
  • Blurring the lines between Iran and Iraq to imply that its actions are against Iran and not Iraq

Point One:

Starting with its insistence that it is there to deter Iran, this is a completely unjustified position for the US to have.  The US gave its word that it was in Iraq for the STRICTLY LIMITED purpose of fighting ISIS.  NO OTHER Purpose is allowed.  Fighting Iran on Iraqi turf is especially unjustified given the fact that Iran is an ally of Iraq, and Iraq has no interest in allowing its land and resources be used to fight against Iran.  In fact, Iraq is closer to Iran than it is the US thus making its use of Iraq to deter Iran completely ludicrous and ultimately anti-Iraqi.  In reality, this policy is an offensive attack on Iraqi sovereignty.

Point Two:

Following the double homicide of an Iraqi friend and guest and an Iraqi military leader, the Iraqi parliament overwhelmingly voted to remove the US from its turf pursuant to the Iraq/US agreement.

The Iraqi Prime Minister started negotiations with the US hoping to work a friendly exit for the United States so that the two countries could maintain a positive relationship afterwards.

The Deep State controlled Trump Regime responded to Iraq’s efforts to achieve a friendly agreement with threats of stealing Iraq’s money and of imposing inhumane, unjustified, and devastating sanctions on Iraq (a country which the US had spent the last three decades already decimating).

Despite these threats, the Iraqi Prime Minister continued to work with the US in the hopes of accommodating a mutually beneficial departure for the US; but the Trump Regime only elevated its sense of disrespect for Iraq by giving Iraq deadlines and redlines.

Translation: Iraq’s government, which was created by the US itself from scratch, did not garner any respect and in the eyes of the US, Iraqi sovereignty is viewed as a joke.

This was another part of the slow rollout of the Declaration of war.

Upon investigation, Iraq discovered that the first rocket attack on the US in December which led to the US killing a vast number of Iraq’s National Guard may have been committed by ISIS.  Clearly, the United States had acted to kill those whom it could not prove had taken the actions that the US claimed (even if it could prove it, it was up to the Iraqi government to approve any military action).

The US kept having its bases and assets peppered with Katyusha rockets.  Predictably, Pompous Pompeo and others quickly and without evidence blamed Iran.  However, any Iraqi and/or group like ISIS may have been responsible for these rocket attacks.

On March 12, 2020; three US soldiers were killed and the US, within 24 hours and clearly without the time nor ability to prove who had attacked, decided to undertake an offensive operation within Iraq.  Again, this attack was not pursuant to its promise and agreement with Iraq: a) this  action wasn’t strictly related to ISIS; b) the US did NOT investigate, identify and prove who was responsible; c) the US did  NOT take this information to the Iraqis with a plan of action; d) The Iraqis did NOT OK the plan.

This operation only further cemented the Iraqi political leaders’ demands that the US should leave; and it also led to the Iraqi Military and even the Joint Operations to come out against the US actions.  More and more institutions and segments of Iraq have moved to a position demanding that the US leave.

As only the Deep State can do, it ignores the justifiable demands of Iraq and instead dictates and preaches to Iraq.  In fact, it tells Iraq what it should/can demand. Ironically, it also claims that it is respecting Iraq’s sovereignty.  In other words, it literally does the definition of violating a country’s sovereignty but then in an offensive and derogatory manner somehow claims that only it is respecting that country’s sovereignty.  The Deep State’s definition of sovereignty is being a slave to the Deep State; and in the Deep State’s mind, only it has the ability to define sovereignty.

The United States of America has completely, repeatedly, and progressively violated its agreement with Iraq.  As a result, it broke the terms by which it was in the Country.  Its presence in Iraq is  now illegitimate.

Iraq has requested that the US leave. (This is the only point that matters thus making any excuse raised by the US meaningless)

The United States claimed that it was there on behalf of the Iraqi people, but millions of Iraqis have protested against the US.

The Iraqi military which the US claims desperately wants the US there has changed its position and has asked the US to leave.

Once Iraq decided to ask the US to leave; the US had to leave.  By staying, it became an occupying force looking to use and control Iraqi land and resources against the country’s will. In other words, the United States has unleashed Offensive and Aggressive Acts of War against Iraq.

As such, Iraqis are not only justified but are required as patriots to protect their country and fight back against this offensive on their land.  Thus far, they have done so only mildly and Iraqi politicians have bent over backwards to work with the US.

When these facts are considered and the true circumstances of what is going on comes to light, the US’s actions cannot be viewed as “self defense” but rather as further escalatory criminal actions of aggression.

The Iraqi government has even filed complaints with the UN against these US actions; but the US still claims that it is allied with the Iraqi government and is defending the Iraqi population’s best interest.  This twisted, distorted logic is straight out of the Deep State’s playbook.

The Deep State is obsessed with creating conflict and all-out war with Iran.  It wants to turn Iraq and anywhere else where it can into a battleground.  The Deep State’s obsession for conflict, desire for destruction, and appetite for depravity has been repeatedly shown to the world. This includes heaping on more sanctions in the middle of a pandemic on top of the severely punitive and completely unjustified sanctions which they have already put on Iran and others.

Pompeo especially shows the hallmarks of a demented, murderous mad man becoming completely obsessed and consumed with Iran.

Point Three:

Given the obsessed and desperate desire to destroy Iran, Deep State members like Pompeo keep pushing their US – Iran conflict into the open by blurring the lines.

Blurring the Lines between Iraq and Iran satisfies two goals for the Deep Statists:

1) Refusal to accept defeat and to accept that anyone other than Iran is against the US;

2) Blame Iran and open the way to openly and directly attack Iran.

So when Iraqi groups attack the US, instead of admitting that Iraqis are against US; they will claim that Iran-backed groups, Iranian Proxies or Simply Iran is attacking them.

When Iraqi groups vote against them; it is Iranian controlled politicians against the US.

The US attempted to complete its coup in Iraq by actually putting a US Citizen in the position of Prime Minister.  Kurdish and Sunni groups have been intimidated and forced by the US to go along with what the US wants.  Some Shiite groups are also being bought off or coerced to not fight against these US moves.  When these groups, who are heavily controlled, bought and intimidated by the US take any actions; then according to the Deep State “they are acting on behalf of the Iraqi people”.

When Iraqi politicians, groups, or people go against the US, then they are Iranian proxies and they are magically no longer considered Iraqis.  In some cases, politicians are considered Iraqi and then Iranian depending on where they stand on issues.  Enigmatic Moqtada Al Sadr goes back and forth.  At times, he is a leading Iraqi figure at other times he is considered Iranian.

By blurring the line as to who is Iraqi; the United States can avoid taking responsibility or blame for their actions.  If Iraqis do blame or complain about the US; then they are simply categorized as not being Iraqi.  By being able to pin every negative Iraqi reaction on Iran, they can unnecessarily escalate the conflict against Iran.  For Deep Statists, this helps further their fantasy of a military conflict against Iran.

After looking at these points, it becomes clear that Iraq is a big flashpoint between the Deep State System and those resisting.  The Deep State wants to desperately keep US troops in Iraq and then correspondingly they want as much control in Iraq wherever they can get it (politically, resources, territory, etc.).  Naturally, the resistance wants to stop these efforts.

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