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January 15, 2025
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EVENT: Deep State Desperation and Danger:

Remember, the Deep State was not ecstatic with the Grand Bargain offered by Iran after 9/11 since it still left Iran with what the Deep State viewed as too much sovereignty. Even though, the nuclear deal was far from pro-Iranian; it was providing Iran with vastly more sovereignty than the Grand Bargain did.

From the Deep State’s point of view, a little Middle Eastern country like Iran shouldn’t even be pondering the gall to ask for any rights.  To the Deep State, the fact that Iran had requested that its rights be respected, meant that it had to face the most punitive sanctions possible.  As the Nuclear Deal became closer to a reality, the Deep State’s minions started to come out of the woodwork.

Jennifer Rubin and others didn’t waste a day disparaging the deal and engaging in the Deep State’s favorite pastime of increasing threat levels and danger.  The deal, which took care of the most alarming concern about Iran according to the Deep State itself, was now represented as the threat to the global order.

The Deep State loves to talk for the world even if the world doesn’t agree with it.  If Europe disagrees with the Deep State’s policy, then Europe is only disagreeing since it’s weak.  Deep statists love to talk about being the leaders of the free world and the “people”; but when the world opposes them they simply denigrate the people.  “It is at this moment that the world needs leadership” they claim.

In other words, there is no data that can come in that will prove to the Deep State that the Deep State is wrong.   (The Deep State is an avid advocate for PUA Narcissism which will be delved into deeper later)

In the case of Iran, if a poll showed Iran’s unpopularity then it was trumpeted in the world and heralded how America had to stand up for the world’s people; but if a poll showed that the US was entirely isolated and Iran had support, then it meant that the people were misinformed and/or willing to appease Iran.  One of the Deep State’s favorite troupes would then be paraded out:  “Neville Chamberlain”.

As Obama was clearly looking to finally change the US’s colossal failure of a Middle Eastern policy, the Deep State instigated the Syrian war.  This provided the perfect trap for Obama.

Obama’s soft reform of Deep State policy found itself mired in his competing desires of avoiding another unnecessary war and still looking tough for the Deep State’s approval.  Obama had also brought many Deep Statists into his administration including the soulless queen of the deep state: Hillary.

This is how he got trapped into the “redline” comment, and eventually relented in allowing some US intervention in the conflict.  This conflict was designed to break up the Axis of Resistance and also to hopefully stop the Iran Deal.

Despite initially falling into the trap, Obama stayed away from protracted conflict; and continued forward with the Iran Deal.  This is what led to one of the Deep State’s strongest international figures to fly to the United States and make the ultimate statement of disapproval.

BiBi Netanyahu came to the US congress and on US Soil insulted the US President.  This was one of the initial revelations that the Deep State believed that the US itself could not be expected to have full sovereignty.

It was also a declaration of all-out war by the Deep State.

EVENT: All Out War II

The Deep State had crossed the threshold from dangerous to a force of destruction.  The war would take part over different battlegrounds involving various methods of warfare.  The war would stretch from East Asia through the Middle East and would include South America as well.

The Deep State’s breakup of the status quo had resulted in uncontrollable effects, and The Deep State decided that it needed to quell the rise of any free-thinking nation.  As a result, it unleashed its entire bag of tricks:

1) Defaming those nations;

2) False Accusations against those nations;

3) Economic Warfare;

4) Proxy Warfare;

5) Direct Military Attacks;

6) Cyber/Social Media Warfare;

7) Weaponization of populations; Etc.


  • Arab Spring

The Arab Spring was the incarnation of the domino theory that the NeoCons had anticipated, but rather than taking out sovereign Iran it started to take out Deep State client states like Egypt.  Husni Mubarak was a Deep State client, and he also maintained security on the Deep State’s colony’s southern border.  Despite the wishes of the dual pillars; the Obama Administration allowed the Egyptian population to decide the fate of their nation.  This meant that the despised Mubarak was gone.  The Egyptian population selected Morsi as president in their first democratic elections.

The Arab Spring also then spread to Bahrain.  Bahrain is an interesting and sensitive location.  It had been a part of Iran, and only under the last Shah was it taken away by the West.  Its population is predominantly Shia and largely Iranian/Persian in origin.  However, it is ruled by a Sunni Saudi King

As Tahrir Square had become the Egyptian epicenter for those seeking freedom, the Pearl Roundabout became the center for freedom seekers in Bahrain.  The Saudis, who for years had faked the role of leading the Arab/Islamic world against the Israeli colony, were now forced to remove their masks.  They openly became allied with Israel.

Obama’s “let people decide their fate” went against everything that the Saudis believed in.  Watching the Saudi King be kicked out of Bahrain was a bridge too far, and the Saudis decided to squash the Bahraini population.  They invaded Bahrain with tanks and killed scores.  They re-installed the Saudi King over Bahrain and the people were subjugated once again.

This experience was very satisfactory for the Saudis, and with Israeli assistance they set their sights on Egypt.  They orchestrated a coup to get rid of Morsi.  They replaced him with a military strongman and Egypt fell under the auspices of Deep State control once more.

The Saudis were now emboldened.  Iran had employed minimal activity in Bahrain and Egypt; because it had decided to sit back and allow the natural currents of the region bring these nations into closer alignment with it.  The same way that Afghanistan and Iraq had naturally come into an alliance with Iran.

Iran had been poised to foster better relationships with Egypt and Bahrain; but to the paranoid Saudi mind, who were already resentful of Iran’s alliances with Iraq and Lebanon, these natural movements were actually Iranian attacks against the Saudis.

  • Scene moves to Syria

Months after the Arab Spring, as the dust was settling, suspiciously, things blew up in Syria.  Syria had been under Assad family control for years.  It was a relatively stable and secular nation.  While generally playing it safe in the region, it had somewhat friendly with Iran.  It helped serve as a bridge for Iran to Lebanon.  This minimal assistance was enough to put Syria into the crosshairs of the Saudis.

Syria had a Sunni majority population with a secular yet Allawite leader. The Saudis had a simple plan.  Use the Arab Spring as a context/excuse to create havoc and then move in forces to overthrow the Syrian government.  With Assad gone, Lebanon would be isolated and crushed.  Then from there, the Deep State could re-ignite its domino plan by going into Iraq and then Iran.

In Saudi Arabia, a young, rash, and fervently pro- Deep State prince was on the rise.  He viewed the Bahrain and Egypt operations as victorious examples for his heavily militaristic approach.  He wanted to push aside the traditional and careful Saudi establishment in favor of a heavy handed and radically pro Deep State approach.

Syria would serve as the first battleground for this policy. In Syria, the Deep State unleashed its “militarizing populations” strategy:

  • Militarizing Populations:
    • This policy has been employed by the Deep State from Europe to South America; however no population is as tailor made for this policy as is the Middle Eastern population
    • Middle Eastern populations are first and foremost delusional as to the grandeur of their nations and to their actual assets and wealth. They all believe that they should be amongst the best.  On the other hand, their reality leads to nothing but constant failure.  Instead of taking responsibility for their failures, they would rather blame someone else.  Rather than work hard and slowly build or rebuild, they desire a quick fix.
    • A constantly discontent population who is looking for a quick fix while blaming everyone else for their failures is the perfect population to be used and militarized.

As with most Middle Eastern populations, the Syrian population was not entirely content with Assad’s rule.  They believed that they should be better off.  It didn’t take much for the Saudis to push sections of the population into the streets.

Saudis have always had influence with the Sunni population in Syria, and they were able to put many of them into the streets.  The protests were pawned off as supposed peaceful demands for a better life; but in reality, they were an invasion of Syria.

Requesting a better life is not unusual; however these protests didn’t request any specific policy changes. (except for the change of one law which turned out to be simply an excuse)  This is one of the main tricks of the Deep State in militarizing a population.  By presenting a seemingly reasonable demand (“A Better Life”), they can get large numbers of the population to get into the streets.   However, if the demands are not concrete policy changes then the government cannot actually take any actions to quench the thirst of those unleashed into the streets.

Large crowds in the streets serves as a pretext and a cover for the Deep State’s mobilized agents.  These agents, assets, and segments of the population under its control drive the protests towards the Deep State’s desired destination.  This is supplemented by a heavy-handed Social Media/MSM propaganda campaign. When fully implemented, the Deep State creates the perception that the entire population is fighting for its freedom, and pressure is brought to bear on the defamed ruling class.

In the case of Syria, the protests initially were about changing a specific law.  Assad tried to negotiate with the population, but there was no negotiating with the Deep State’s mob.  Assad eventually relented and repealed the law.  Assad had failed to quickly recognize the military nature of these “protests”.  After giving into their demands and repealing the law, the protestors’ true purpose was unveiled, and they asked for Assad’s head.

This revealed that these were not protests and they had no real objective.  This was another “regime change” conflict instigated by the Deep State; but this time the dual pillars had taken the lead themselves.  This put Obama in a bind.

On the one hand, he was looking to work within the Establishment; but he was also looking to end these foreign entanglements.  He did not know how to properly respond to the Syria conflict.  To make matters worse, virulent Deep Statists like Hillary within his administration turned the heat up on him internally.

Iran, on the other hand, came to realize that this was a military attack on Syria and a continuation of the “Domino Theory” attack on Iran.  Iran had to decide whether to fight this war in Syria or wait until the conflict came to Iraq and/or Iran itself.  Iran also had a duty to protect the one nation that had assisted it during the Iraq conflict.

At the start of the conflict, it appeared that Assad would fall quickly; but he was able to barely cling to power.  Saudis, Israelis, and the Deep State quickly upped the ante.  Saudis moved in wahabbist jihadis from all over into Syria in order to attack the governmental security forces.  The most successful forces were the jihadis from the former Soviet States.

Syrian territory quickly fell and once again Assad looked to be toast. It also appeared that Christians, Shiite, Alawites and the like were facing genocide.  These jihadis started to behead minority populations in the streets.  The Deep State would not allow the West to interfere against the jihadis NOT EVEN to protect Christians.

The Deep State started to disseminate its typical “*** is the New Hitler” propaganda against the previously benign and unknown Bashar Al Assad.  Iran started to realize the threat posed by the rising Saudi/Deep State backed Wahabbi Jihadists.

It started to mobilize resistance/Shia forces into Syria.  These forces were able to stop the bleeding, but the country was now divided.  A slow, grueling, dynamic stalemate emerged.  Iran knew more action needed to be taken and it went to Russia.

  • Russia Enters the Fray

Soviet Russia was a globalist nation.  Promoting Communist Globalization as opposed to Capitalist Globalization.  Under Putin, Russia was becoming a European, Christian Nationalist nation.  It was also re-establishing itself as the head of the Orthodox Church.

Iran went to Russia with a plan to align and save Assad.  This effort was led by Iran’s top General Sardar Qassem Soleimani.  It argued that Russia had many reasons to do so: 1)Assad’s family had always been an ally of Russia; 2) Russia had military bases in Syria to protect; 3) Further Deep State entrenchment in Syria would be a major geopolitical threat to Russia; 4) Many of the Jihadis were from Russian territories and were a direct threat to Russia; 5) The West had failed to protect Christians and Russia had to act especially since most of the Christians in Syria were Orthodox.

It made too much sense for Russia to act, and it did so.  The Syrian war would now change as would the entire Global War. While Iran had been able to stop Syria’s government from falling into the abyss, Russia’s assistance allowed the Government to turn the tide and take the fight to the Deep State’s Jihadis.

Over the next few years, the Syrian government continued to regain territory, and this put the United States in a bind.  Operation Timber Sycamore which was a covert regime change operation against Syria had succeeded in creating the conflict and arming groups against Syria.  However, the moderate rebels that they sought to promote could not be produced.

The United States had to either enter into an open alliance with Jihadis to take on Syria with Iran and Russian backing Syria or allow Assad to take his territory back.  With the coming of Trump and his Radical Deep State UN Ambassador, Nikki Singh Haley, the threats against Assad became more intense.  Trump did not get more militarily involved though.  Eventually, Assad took back Homs, Hama, Aleppo, and the region by the Israeli border.  In order to avoid further conflict, the Russians entered into agreements with the Israelis and US to smooth over any issues.

US/Israeli Policy coalesced around taking over territories East of the Euphrates.  This was done to stop the border crossing amongst the allied nations of Iraq and Syria and to stop Syria from enjoying its oil specifically at Al Omar.

The most important border area between Iraq and Syria is Al Tanaf.  The United States took this area over and created a large circular protectorate around it.  In order to control the East of the Euphrates, the United States exploited another favorite tool of theirs: The Kurds.

The Kurds are useful for the United States as they are willing to do anything and turn on anyone in order to create a Kurdish nation.  The Kurds had been mostly aligned with the Syrian government especially in defeating ISIS.  The Kurds created the so-called Syrian Defense Forces (“SDF”).  The United States needed them to be the boots on the ground to stop the Syrians from getting to their border and to their oil fields in the East of the Euphrates.

As the battle against ISIS grinded to a close the SDF and SAA (Syrian Arab Army) closed in on ISIS territory East of the Euphrates.  In doing so, they raced to get to the border and to the oil fields.  With promises of sovereign territory and an eventual nation, the US assisted and motivated the Kurds to turn on their countrymen and beat them to the oilfields.  However, the SAA with the assistance of Iran, its allies and under the command of General Soleimani got to the last border crossing at Abu Kamal.


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